Guideline for Oral Presentation

2014 ICMRI & KSMRM Scientific Committee would like to acknowledge all authors who have submitted their abstract(s) for oral presentation. To ensure that the content(s) are shared effectively with all participants, we advise all presenters to comply with the following guidelines.
  • English
Presentation File Upload
  • Please bring your final presentation files on a USB drive or CD-ROM to the Preview Room at least 1 hour before your scheduled presentation.
  • When reviewing your presentation file, please make sure all fonts and images appear as expectedly.
  • After you have finished reviewing and/or making changes to your presentation, please notify an A/V technician so that they can review and upload your files onto the PCs connected to each session room.
Preview Room
  • Location: Convention Hall Lobby (4F, Convention Center)
  • Operating Hours
    - Friday, March 28: 08:00-18:00
    - Saturday, March 29: 08:00-17:30
You will be given the following length of time for each of your presentation including Q&A.
No. Category Presentation (min)
1 Scientific Session I ~ III 7 min
2 Scientific Session IV ~ V 10 min
3 Scientific Session VI (Poster Short Presentation) 3 min
4 Abdominal Scientific Session (Oral) 10 min
Abdominal Scientific Session (Poster Short Presentation) 3 min
5 Pediatric MR Imaging II (Scientific Session) 8 min

* As for the presentation categories apart from above, please check your program schedule at
  • Please note that chairpersons are under strict instructions to follow the limited time allotment per presenter for smooth running of the session.
  • Arrive in your session room at least 20 minutes before the session begins.
  • You will be responsible for controlling/advancing the slides during your presentation.
A/V Equipment
  • Session rooms will be equipped with the following items: A computer running Windows with MS Office 2010, Acrobat Reader 8.0, Windows Media Players and a microphone. A podium will be provided for the presenters as well.
  • There will also be an AV technician in each session room to assist you with technical issues.
  • We DO NOT recommend using your own laptop computer for your presentation to avoid problems with computer-projector compatibility and to save the time that would otherwise be needed for changing connections.
  • If you wish to use your own laptop or require internet access for your presentation, we advise you to inform the technician in advance.
Presentation Material Format
  • It is strongly recommended that all presenters prepare their presentation materials in Microsoft Office PowerPoint (PPT) file format.
  • Use a standard font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Tahoma which be included on the session room computers. If you use any special or unique fonts for your presentation it may not appear correctly using the session room computers.
  • While you can insert images directly into your PPT presentation slides, these should be kept to a minimum. Images at a resolution greater than 300 dpi are not necessary and will only increase the file size. JPG, GIF or BMP images are the preferred file for inserted images.
  • Use of animations should also be kept to a minimum.